LPG is composed predominantly of propane and propylene with minor amounts of butane, isobutane, and butylene. It is odorless, colorless, and non-toxic. To reduce the danger of an explosion from undetected leaks, commercial LPG usually contains an odorizing agent which gives it a distinctive pungent odor. LPG is a vapor at atmospheric conditions. It is normally stored as a liquid at a storage pressure of 200 psia (1400 kPa). LPG has the following properties:
a) Freezing Point, degrees F (degrees C) -305 (-187)
b) Relative Density (Specific Gravity) 147 degrees API (0.588)
c) Vapor Pressure at 100 degrees F (38 degrees C), 175.8 (1212) psi (kPa)
d) Heat Content, Btu/lb (kJ/kg) 21,591 (50 221)
Special Precautions for LPG
a) Store LPG under pressure in appropriate pressure-rated tanks.
b) The potential for fire and explosion presents extreme hazards to life and property. Provide adequate relief venting and additional fire protection in accordance with NFPA 58.